Thursday 27 October 2011

Relaxing day at work

Today feels like working on a weekend. There's no elective list, only got one emergency LSCS (lower segment caesarian section) in the morning and one orthopaedic case in the evening. All of us, 8 anaesth MO are jobless today...hihi. Just eating, chit chatting, and even sleeping..then eat again :) no,no this is not the usual scene in our operation theatre (OT). For the past couple of days, have had many laparotomies...

Don't know if I go to outpatient department later I can still get this kind of luxury also or not. But I do know for sure, I'm gonna miss my colleagues and bosses very very much...not forgetting the OT and ICU staffs as well : )


  1. Doc Bukan sng dpt rest beb, ok lah tu.. So conclusionnya, kena letak more doctors in opd spy org xcomplain.. ;)

  2. hmm..aku memang dah lama menunggu nak masuk opd ni,tapi tu la,pengarah aku still thinks that our opd dah cukup MO..padahal HOD OPD dah kasi green light kat aku masuk sane..doakanla aku dpt by next month ye...


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