Sunday 16 October 2011

My hubby's cooking

I'm so lucky today. My hubby cooked lunch for today....yeah, my semifinalist blogger master chef shows off his skills in the kitchen! Hehe...He did not cook simple cooking, you know... He made sup daging, ikan merah goreng, sayur campur masak sos tiram and his famous sambal! My daughter and I ate a's delicious! There goes my plan to diet...huhu.

Thank you so much, honey! This makes me love you more! : ) I'm really lucky to have a husband that cooks for his family, right? : )


  1. Lepas ni mak pulak cook utk ayah.. hehe

  2. sungguh bertuah dapat rasa masakan suami...dulu -dulu suami kerap masak ketika anak-anak masih kecil tp sekarang, anak dah besar tak ada can lagi nak merasa.

  3. betul tu kak aya...saya ni tak berapa rajin masak..kadang2 je.harap2 anak dah besar pun suami saya nak memasak lagi : )

  4. mak mestila masak utk ayah...walaupun tak pandai sgt..hehe


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